Frequently Asked Questions

How much does camp cost?

$80 - We understand that camps can be very expensive to run and $80 doesn't seem like enough for one week of camp, but God always provides for us and we believe that He will continue to provide for this camp.

How many meals will my child receive each day for $80

Your child will be provided with 3 meals every day (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). We also have a small snack after evening chapel and a canteen time where they can buy candy, ice cream and or sno-cones. Don't worry, we do limit the amount of sugary snacks each day.

How much money can my child bring?

During check-in when parents ask, we suggest any where from $5 to $20 but that is completely up to you.

What should my child pack for the week?

Bedding (Sleeping bag, sheets and blanket) and pillow, comfortable modest clothing, tennis shoes (for hiking and sporting activities), sweater or jacket, swimsuit (modest one-piece), toiletries (towels, washcloths, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.), flashlight, bug spray, Bible and pencil.
Optional item(s) would be : Battery powered personal fan, since there are no electrical outlets in the cabins.

What can my child buy while at camp?

While at camp there are 2 times per day that they can use their money. The first way is to learn how giving is more of a blessing than receiving. Every year our camp sponsors a missionary that is in the field doing God's work and as you may know, being a missionary is a full time job with no income other than what God provides. So each day during Missions Time, we will take up a collection and everything that is collected will go to that missionary. The second way is during Canteen Time where your child can buy candy bars, fruit snacks, sno-cones, ice cream bars and many more items. There are also camp shirts that can be purchased for $10 during check-in and after the final program.

Where can my child keep their money?

During check-in, we will collect their money and put it in the bank for safekeeping. Each day after lunch we have bank time where your child can withdraw their money in the form of tokens for giving to missions or to use at canteen.

Can I send my child mail?

YES, and we encourage it!
When a child receives mail from their parents it is very comforting and exciting for them. One thing to remember is that the mail system is usually slow so if you want to write them you should send it by Wednesday. If you would like, we can even take letters during check-in to give them throughout the week. Just give us the mail when your child isn't looking or just drop it by the registration table before leaving. Just make sure that it has their name on it.

Can I call my child during the week to check on them?

We discourage parents from calling because it can promote homesickness and believe it or not, it's contagious. If you would like to call the camp and speak with the administrative staff about your child you may do so without hesitation.

Can my child call me during camp?

We discourage this because it can cause homesickness and we do not want the kids missing out on the blessings that God has in store for them.

Can I visit camp while camp is in session?

Short Answer: No
If you have an emergency and need to come to the camp during the week, please let the manager or director know prior to your arrival. Parents showing up at camp can cause your child/ren and others to have anxiety and undue stress.

Is there medical staff at camp?

During each week of camp we have a registered nurse on staff that is there 24/7 for any need that your child may have. If an emergency does arise that the nurse can't handle we will call the parents or the emergency contact and/or and take the child to the hospital only if necessary.

Are their any background checks for staff?

All staff working directly with children or over the age of 18 has had a Background Check and Reference Checks. C.E.F. Child Protection

How can I submit registration to be on staff?

Since we run background and reference checks on all of our staff members, you can inquire by clicking on the link to send an email to us.
Email us about being on staff membership
If you don't have mailto enabled in your browser then just open your mail client and send us an email at